Для синхронизации этой записной книжки требуется пароль код ошибки 0xe0000024

FIX OneNote Sync Error (0xE0000024).

[FIX] OneNote Sync Error (0xE0000024)

The OneNote Sync Error 0xE0000024 is encountered by both Mac and Windows users after the OneNote program fails to sync with their notebook, iPad, or iPhone. For most affected users, this seems to happen every time they open the program – some even report that the syncing feature works fine with another device.

OneNote Error 0xE0000024 on macOS

As it turns out, there are several reasons that might end up causing the 0xE0000024 error on macOS and Windows:

Creating the SkyDriveAuthenticationProvider key

If you see the Sync Error 0xE0000024 on a Windows computer and you noticed that the problems started appearing after you installed Live ID Sign-In assistant, it’s very likely that the problem is occurring due to a conflict with OneDrive.

In case you want both cloud storage clients active at the same time, you’ll likely need to do some adjustments to the OneNote Registry folder and create the SkyDriveAuthenticationProvider in order to allow the two programs to co-exist.

Several affected users that were facing the same problem have confirmed that this operation finally allowed OneNote to sync with macOS and iOS devices. Here’s what you need to do:

In the event that you still end up seeing the 0xE0000024 sync error, move down to the next potential fix below.

Updating OneNote to the Latest Version

As a lot of affected users have confirmed, the 0xE0000024 OneNote error can also be caused by a conflict with SharePoint. In the event that you are encountering this issue when you try to open up OneNote notebook placed in a SharePoint with the OneNote app on an iPad or an iPhone, you will likely need to update to version 16.2.1 or older in order to resolve the issue.

As it’s been confirmed by a lot of affected users, this bug was eradicated along with version 16.2.1. Here’s a quick guide on updating the OneNote IOS application to the latest version:

If the issue persists or you already have the latest version of OneNote on your iOS device (iPhone or iPad), move down to the next potential fix below.

Resetting Onenote and OneDrive (Windows 10 only)

As some affected users have pointed out, this issue can occur due to a conflict between OneNote and Onedrive. This scenario is reported to occur in instances where the user has previously used the OneNote 2016 app before moving to the native Windows 10 app equivalent.

If this scenario is applicable, you should be able to fix the issue by resetting both the OneNote and the OneDrive app from the Settings menu. This will end up clearing the conflicting credential data that ends up triggering the 0xE0000024 OneNote error.

To do this, follow the instructions below:

In case this scenario was not applicable or you have followed but you’re still seeing the 0xE0000024 sync error, move down to the next potential fix below.

Adding the SharePoint server to the Local Intranet Zone (if applicable)

In the event that you’re encountering this particular OneNote Sync Error 0xE0000024 when trying to sync to a local SharePoint server, you might see this error due to the fact that your OS ends up blocking Intranet communications for security reasons.

If this scenario is applicable, you should be able to fix the issue by accessing your Internet Options and adding the local SharePoint server to the Local Intranet Sites.

Note: This fix is often reported to work for users that are encountering the issue on OneDrive 2016.

In case this scenario is applicable to your current situation, follow the instructions below to access the Security tab to Internet Options, and add the SharePoint to the list or intranet sites hosted locally:

If you have this problem on a Mac computer, it’s likely that you’re dealing with partially corrupted login data stored Keychain Access.

Some users facing the same problem have confirmed that they managed to fix the issue by opening Keychain access and deleting every entry associated with Microsoft. After doing this and restarting OneNote, the majority of users have reported that they no longer encountered the 0xE0000024.

In case this scenario is applicable to your current situation, follow the instructions below to delete any entries related to Microsoft from KeyChain access:

Ошибки iTunes при восстановлении, обновлении и синхронизации iPhone и iPad

Порой при обновлении, восстановлении или синхронизации iPhone и iPad в программе iTunes появляются неизвестные ошибки. В моем справочнике «Ошибок iTunes» ты найдёшь расшифровку этих ошибок и варианты их устранения.

Ошибки, появляющиеся в процессе восстановления, обновления или синхронизации могут быть связанны с программными и аппаратными проблемами в iOS-устройствах: некоторые исправляются просто, например, перезагрузкой компьютера или подключением к другому USB, а есть такие, что требуют аппаратного ремонта iPhone и iPad.

Классификатор ошибок в iTunes

Ошибки в iTunes, можно разделить на четыре класса: ошибки сети, проблемы с настройками безопасности, неполадки с USB-подключением и аппаратные проблемы

Ошибки сети

Номера ошибок iTunes : 17, 1638, 3014, 3194, 3000, 3002, 3004, 3013, 3014, 3015, 3194, 3200.

Еще могут появляться предупреждения:

Эти предупреждения говорят о том, что появились проблемы, связанные с подключением компьютера к серверу обновлений Apple или к iPhone и iPad.

Проблемы с настройками безопасности

Номера ошибок iTunes : 2, 4, 6, 9, 1611, 9006.

Перечисленные ошибки появляются, когда брандмауэр, антивирус или файрвол препятствуют подключению к серверам обновлений Apple или устройству.

Неполадки с USB

Номера ошибок iTunes : 13, 14, 1600, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1611, 1643-1650, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2009, 4005, 4013, 4014. Еще может появляться предуприждение о «недопустимом ответе».

Аппаратные проблемы

Номера ошибок iTunes : 1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 53, 56, 1002, 1004, 1011, 1012, 1014, 1667 или 1669.

Появляются при аппаратных неисправностях в iOS-устройствах или компьютере, мешающие выполнению обновления или восстановления данных.

Как исправить ошибку iTunes

Большинство ошибок в iTunes можно исправить самостоятельно, выполнив следующие действия:


Https://appuals. com/onenote-sync-error-0xe0000024/

Https://iphonich. ru/7588-chto-oznachayut-oshibki-itunes. html