Код ошибки ce 30005 8


Как исправить ошибку PS4 CE-30005-8 (не удается запустить приложение) | НОВЫЙ 2020!

Leon Meyer

У вас возникли проблемы с запуском игры или приложения и появлением ошибки CE-30005-8 на PS4? Если вы это сделаете, у вас либо есть проблема, которую легко исправить, либо серьезная проблема, требующая возиться с оборудованием. Узнайте, что вы можете сделать с этой проблемой, продолжив изучение этого руководства.

Каковы причины ошибки PS4 CE-30005-8?

Если вы получаете ошибку CE-30005-8 при попытке сыграть в игру или открыть приложение на PS4, причиной проблемы, скорее всего, является неисправность оборудования. В большинстве случаев причиной может быть плохой проигрыватель дисков или сломанный жесткий диск. По мнению других, это может быть связано с проблемой программного обеспечения или повреждением диска с игрой. Давайте быстро поговорим о каждой из этих вещей ниже.

Плохой Blu-Ray / DVD-ридер.

На протяжении многих лет многие игроки PS4 обращались к нам по поводу того, что их PS4 больше не читает ни один диск, который они вставляют, и во многих из этих случаев они почти всегда получают ошибку CE-30005-8.

Если вы получаете эту ошибку на PS4 всякий раз, когда пытаетесь воспроизвести с физического диска, скорее всего, ваша консоль испытывает проблемы с чтением игры. Это может произойти, если ваш PlayStation 4 Blu-Ray / DVD-ридер не работает должным образом или если он был поврежден по какой-либо причине.

Этот тип проблемы может быть временной или постоянной, в зависимости от состояния вашего оборудования.

Поцарапанный или треснувший диск.

Если вы сталкиваетесь с CE-30005-8 только при установке определенной игры в DVD-плеер PlayStation 4, а остальные игры работают нормально, ваша проблема может быть связана только с этой игрой. Вы хотите убедиться, что ваш игровой диск находится в хорошем состоянии, прежде чем вставлять его в устройство чтения DVD PS4, чтобы избежать проблем.

Поврежденный жесткий диск.

Для других плееров PS4 CE-30005-8 может быть ошибкой, указывающей на проблему с внутренним жестким диском или внешним жестким диском.

Если эта ошибка появляется независимо от того, какое приложение или игру вы пытаетесь запустить, возможно, у вас проблема с памятью или жестким диском.

Поврежденное программное обеспечение PS4.

В некоторых редких случаях CE-30005-8 может возникать из-за поврежденного программного обеспечения PlayStation 4 или плохой базы данных. Оба случая были задокументированы как ответственные за эту проблему в течение некоторого времени. Что вы можете сделать, чтобы исправить эту ошибку, — это либо перестроить базу данных, либо переформатировать жесткий диск.

Как исправить ошибку CE-30005-8 на PS4?

Знание причины ошибки CE-30005-8 PS4 — это только часть эффективного решения этой проблемы. Вам также необходимо принять правильные решения, чтобы исправить это навсегда. Ниже приведены некоторые из известных исправлений этой проблемы.

Убедитесь, что программное обеспечение полностью обновлено.

Во-первых, вы хотите убедиться, что в программной среде вашей PS4 установлено последнее обновление. Это означает обновление всех игр, приложений и программного обеспечения.

После того, как вы выбрали вариант обновления, вы можете приступить к выполнению следующих решений.

Избавьтесь от модов.

Если программное обеспечение вашей PS4 было изменено, мы рекомендуем вам вернуть его официальную версию. Некоторые пользователи сообщили нам, что это рабочее решение для них.

Чистый игровой диск.

Если CE-30005-8 отображается только при установке одного диска с игрой, обязательно очистите эту игру должным образом. Вы можете протереть его чистой мягкой тканью или салфеткой из микрофибры, чтобы удалить пыль, отпечатки пальцев и грязь.

Если ваш диск с игрой треснул или имеет глубокие царапины, это может вызвать проблемы с чтением на PS4. Используйте только очищенные диски в хорошем состоянии.

Имейте в виду, что ваш PS4 может продолжать читать диски, на которых большую часть времени есть царапины. Однако вы можете подумать о замене игры, которая выдает ошибку, если вы видите, что на диске есть серьезные царапины или трещины.

Удалить данные игры с жесткого диска.

Еще одна вещь, которую нужно сделать здесь, особенно если у вас есть проблема только с одной игрой, — это удалить данные этой игры с вашей консоли. Возможно, данные игры были повреждены, поэтому каждый раз, когда вы пытаетесь загрузить точку сохранения, происходит сбой PS4.

При необходимости попробуйте удалить игру полностью с жесткого диска и переустановить с нуля.

Это должно помочь вам определить, имеете ли вы дело только с одной игрой или это что-то еще.

Если вы сохраняете игровые данные, такие как сохраненные игры, на внешнем жестком диске, убедитесь, что вы также удалили их, прежде чем переустанавливать игру.

Восстановить базу данных PS4.

Если вы продолжаете получать CE-30005-8, вы можете попробовать перестроить системную базу данных вашей PS4, чтобы устранить ошибку. Для восстановления базы данных необходимо использовать опцию безопасного режима. Вы должны сделать это, если ошибка возникает во всех ваших играх или приложениях, а не только в одном.

Чтобы перестроить базу данных, выполните следующие действия:

Замените жесткий диск.

Если ни одно из вышеперечисленных решений на данный момент не помогло, наиболее вероятной причиной является хранилище на жестком диске. Это может быть внутренний жесткий диск по умолчанию или добавленный внешний жесткий диск. Это зависит от того, какой у вас тип настройки. В любом случае, вы хотите убедиться, что вы заменили жесткий диск, чтобы исправить эту ошибку.

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How to Fix the CE-30005-8 Error on PS4? [Complete Guide] [Partition Manager]


It is annoying that you cannot start the application with the stop code CE-30005-8, especially when you are eager to play the favorite game, right? How to fix this error? Now, read the post of MiniTool and you will get the most effective troubleshooting methods from it.

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Determine the Real Reason of the PS4 Cannot Start Application CE-30005-8 Error

In order to get rid of the PS4 cannot start application CE-30005-8 error code, you need to figure out its root causes. According to the survey, the real reason behind this type of error is fundamentally related to a hardware failure with your device.

PS4 cannot start application CE-30005-8 error

What hardware failures will arouse the error CE-30005-8? There are 3 major forms of devices are responsible for the error, including your PS4 internal and external hard drive, or the Blu-Ray/DVD player. So, you need to diagnose these devices separately.

The PS4 CE-30005-8 error indicates the hardware failures, especially on your PS4 hard disk drive. As you know, it is very likely that your PS4 hard drives are undergoing some serious functionality issues. So, it is highly recommended that you back up the hard drive as soon as possible in case of any data loss.

Now, let’s diagnose your devices one by one.

Fix CE-30005-8 on Blu-ray/DVD Disc

If you encounter the CE-30005-8 error code while trying to start a game from the Blu-Ray/DVD player, you need to check if it is broken or damaged. Here’s how to do that.

Step 1. You need to eject the disc first of all. Here are 2 ways below:

1. Eject the disc manually by pressing the Eject button on your PS4.

click on the Eject button on PS4

2. Alternatively, you can press the Options button on the Dual Shock 4, which is located on the Home menu. This action will give you the option to Remove Disc.

click on the Options button on the Home menu

Step 2. Clean the disc carefully. Now, you need to check the underside of the disc. There may be some scratches or smudges. Then you can use a soft cloth to wipe the disc from the inner circle to the outer edge with a straight line.

Step 3. Now, insert the cleaned disc back into your PS4 and check if the PS4 cannot start the application problem is resolved. Well, if the PS4 game discs or Blu-Ray is damaged actually, you should consider buying a new one.

More importantly, you need to check if there are any errors on your PS4 hard disk drive, which may lead to the error CE-30005-8. Please keep reading the following part to check your PS4 hard drive.

ce 34788 0 thumbnail

Have you come across the PS4 error CE-34788-0. The error may happen to you after the console downloaded a new update. This post will tell you how to fix it.

Fix CE-30005-8 on PS4 Hard Drive

If the PS4 cannot start application CE-30005-8 error pops up when trying to start your game from an external hard drive, you need to check if the PS4 system gets corrupted or any bad sectors on the hard drive.

You can use a free tool to check your external hard drive quickly. Here it is highly recommended that you use MiniTool Partition Wizard Free Edition. It is a powerful partition management tool trusted by millions of users around the world.

This tool provides you with so many practical features like perform a disk benchmark, resize partition, convert MBR to GPT disk and so on. Now, follow the steps below to perform a surface test for your hard drive.

Step 1. Connect the external hard drive to your computer and launch this tool to get its main interface.

Step 2. Select the external hard drive and click on the Surface Test feature.

Step 3. In the Surface Test window, click on the Start Now button.

perform a Surface Test for your external hard drive

Now, this tool will scan the bad sectors for the whole hard drive automatically. If you found a large chunk of blocks marked with red color like the shown image below, you may need to consider switching to a new hard drive.

the bad sectors on your hard drive

Well, if there are just little bad factors on the hard drive, you can run the chkdsk /f /r to shield the bad tracks. Read this post ‘’How to check Hard Drive and Fix the Error?” to know more details.

Right now, you may have figured out the real reasons that cause the CE-30005-8 error. So, how to fix CE-30005-8 PS4? Please read the following part carefully in which all the effective methods will be discussed.

Here are 4 accessible CE-30005-8 fixes for you. You can try them one by one until you fix the problem.

Method 1. Delete and Restore the Game Data on the Hard Disk Drive

The most common way to get rid of the PS4 CE-30005-8 error is to delete the game data on the hard drive. If you are a PlayStation Plus member, you need to have a backup for the game data using a USB flash drive or online cloud service.

You can follow the detailed steps below to delete and restore the game data.

Step 1. On the Home page of PS4, press the Up on D-pad to open the Function menu. After that, navigate to the Settings icon and press the X button on the console to open it.

select the Settings on the home page

Step 2. In the Settings window, click on the Application Saved Data Management section and press the X button again.

click on Application Saved Data Management

Step 3. Then click on the Saved Data in System Storage option.

click on Saved Data in System Storage option

Step 4. Now select the problematic game and press the Options button on the console to bring up the Delete option.

Step 5. After deleting the problematic game data, you can restore the saved data from the same Application Saved Data Management option in the Settings menu.

Now, restart the application or game and check if the error CE-30005-8 still persists.

Method 2. Rebuild the PS4 Database

In addition, rebuilding the PS4 database is another effective method to troubleshoot some common error codes like CE-35694-7. Here you can have a try.

Step 1. Hold the Power button to turn off PS4 entirely.

Step 2. Hold the Power button for several seconds again until you heard the 2 short beeps, and then your PS4 will enter into Safe Mode.

Step 3. Connect the DS4 with a USB cable and press the PS button on the controller.

Step 4. Select the Rebuild Database option.

This process may take hours to complete, please wait patiently.

ce 34878 0 thumbnail

You might get stuck in the PS4 error CE-34878-0 while playing games with PS4. Don’t worry about this issue, because you can learn about 6 solutions in the post.

Method 3. Switch to A New PS4 Hard Drive

If you have confirmed that your PS4 hard drive has so many bad sectors using the MiniTool Partition Wizard, you can replace it with a new PS4 hard drive. It is a relatively complex process that will take you some time. Please keep reading carefully.

So, what do you need to prepare? Here are some recommendations that can help you upgrade PS4 hard drive smoothly.

Now, follow the CE-30005-8 fix below to upgrade the PS4 hard drive.

How to Upgrade Your PS4 Hard Drive

Step 1. Back up Your Game Data:

1. Connect the external hard drive to the PS4.

2. Open the Settings window of PS4, and then navigate to the System > Backup and Restore > Back up PS4 to save the game data to the external drive.

Step2. After that, your PS4 console will restart and the backup process will begin. Download the latest PS4 System Software Update:

1. Connect the USB drive into your computer, and create a new folder named PS4. Then open the PS4 folder and recreate a new folder named UPDATE in it.

create a new folder in the USB drive and name it to UPDATE

1. Click here to access the PS4 System Software Update page and download the latest version.

2. After downloading the PS4 software update file, save it to the UPDATE folder. At this time, the file should be named PUP in the folder.

the PS4UPDATE. PUP file

Step 3. Open your PS4:

1. Hold the Power button of the PS4 console to turn it off completely and place it on a steady flat surface.

2. On the back of the console (which may slightly differ depending on the PS4 model), remove the panel carefully by sliding it rightward with your finger.

Step 4. Replace the PS4 Hard Drive:

1. The hard drive is secured to the console with a single screw. Here you need to remove the screws using the head screwdriver and keep them carefully.

2. Now, you should be able to take out the old PS4 hard drive.

3. Insert the new PS4 hard drive gently without touching the bottom. After that, you can re-secure the screws. Please make sure the metal pins are facing inward.

Step 5. Put Everything Back Together:

Now, you need to place the encased hard drive back into the console and slide the exterior cover back into the place. Plug the system back in and reconnect it to the TV.

upgrade to larger disk thumbnail

Upgrading to a larger hard drive without data losing can be realized by using a piece of third-party software which is MiniTool Partition Wizard.

How to Setup the New PS4 Hard Drive

After you complete all the above steps, you also need to set up the new PS4 hard drive.

Step 1. Install the PS4 System Software Update:

Step 2. Restore Your Game Data:

Now, restart the application or game and check if the PS4 cannot start application still persists.

Method 4. Disable the Mods

If you are using any mods that you currently added through the Nexus Mod Manager, then disable them. This is because it has been proven by a small part of players that disabling mods can get rid of the error. This method may not work for all users, but it is worth having a try.

The End

CE-30005-8 FAQ

You can try power cycling the PS4 system with HDD, here’s how:


Position: Columnist

Ariel is an enthusiastic IT columnist focusing on partition management, data recovery, and Windows issues. She has helped users fix various problems like PS4 corrupted disk, unexpected store exception error, the green screen of death error, etc. If you are searching for methods to optimize your storage device and restore lost data from different storage devices, then Ariel can provide reliable solutions for these issues.

Cannot Start the Application (CE-30005-8) | Fixed by Experts

It happens that while you’re playing your favorite game or working on an application, error code CE-30005-8 suddenly appears. The error message content is: “Cannot start the application. (CE-30005-8)“, as you can see in the image below.

Cannot start the application (CE-30005-8) PS4 error message

The real problem with this type of errors is that it’s fundamentally related to a hardware failure. When such an error occurs, you have to immediately take action, especially when the PS4 hard drive is responsible for it. Because that means your data is at risk and you may suddenly, without any former warning, lose it. Unfortunately, most of the times the PS4 internal hard drive causes this error. It indicates that it undergoes serious functionality problems, thus needs repair.

In all cases, even if you haven’t faced this error yet, you must seriously consider upgrading/replacing PS4 stock hard drive with a better drive in terms of reliability, speed and overall performance. Because the PS4 stock hard drive is a cheap, obsolete and an old drive that no longer meets the minimal performance standards of today. Just read this detailed report about the specifications of PS4 hard drive to fully understand what I mean.

Anyway, let’s go through this error and suggest actions you can carry out to fully fix it.

Official Error Fix

The PlayStation official website suggest a fix for this error that many users found helpful. (source)

In many cases, this fix is useless and unhelpful. Yes, it did help many, but, on the other hand, a wide variety of users didn’t actually benefit.

Determining the Real Reason

Error CE-30005-8 can occur by either one of the three devices: the PS4 internal hard drive, an external hard drive used as an extended storage, or the Blu-Ray/DVD player.

Sometimes the error is related to power issues or corrupted data in the CMOS memory chip.

So, let’s diagnose everything separately, starting from the easiest.

1. Disconnect the PS4 from Power then Restart

The very first step you have to make is to totally unplug the PS4 from the power outlet and keep it disconnected for 3-5 minutes before plugging the cable into the outlet again. This helps in many scenarios, hopefully it will with Error CE-30005-8.

The secret behind the efficiency of this step is that it gives a chance to PS4 hardware components to “relax” and release the latent electrical power and consequently, when you turn on PS4 these components will have a new and fresh start which may help fix Error [CE-30005-8].

2. Checking the Blu-Ray/DVD Disc

Checking PS4 Blu-Ray/DVD player for error CE-30005-8

In some cases, it’s likely to see Error CE-30005-8 when trying to start a game from the Blu-Ray/DVD Player. It’s usually an easy fix. So, let’s first determine whether it’s the reason or not.

Ejecting the Disc

If you know how to properly eject the Disc from its player, just skip this section. It’s mainly for newbies.

Ejecting the Disc can be done in two ways with the first one having to be manually using the eject button, which is located below the power button on the PS4 when it is lying down flat horizontally.

The other option is to press the “Options” button on the Dual Shock 4 with the videogame highlighted on the Home menu. Doing so gives you the option to “Remove Disc.”

Cleaning the Disc

Now check the underside of the disc and there’s a good chance you’ll see smudges (which can be easily cleaned) or scratches. To clean a dirty disc, use a lint-free cloth and wipe from a straight line from the inner circle to the outer edge. You can find out more details on this process from Sony’s website.

Check Now If It Works

Now, insert the cleaned disc back into the PS4 again to see if you are still getting the same CE-30005-8 error code as before. You can also try out other PS4 game discs or Blu-Ray movies to see if the problem is limited to just the videogame or if there really is a problem with the Blu-Ray drive.

3. Checking the External Hard Drive

Checking PS4 External hard drive for error CE-30005-8

If the “Cannot start the application CE-30005-8” error appears when trying to launch your game/app from an external hard drive, or even during the gameplay, it means it’s failing to function properly and you have to repair it.

Usually this error occurs after the PS4 system has already recognized and approved the external hard drive. So, the external hard drive is working fine on PS4 until this error happens.

Unless the external hard drive is making a clicking/grinding noise, the problem is not serious. Mostly it’s a matter of bad sectors that affect the functionality of the drive and you need to eliminate them.

You can connect the external hard drive to another PS4 in order to verify it’s fully healthy and functional. This is to make sure that Error CE-30005-8 is not caused by your external HDD by any means, whether it’s a data corruption on the drive or the drive itself is malfunctioning.

If you’ve ensured that the external HDD is malfunctioning, try to connect it to a PC and perform a full format operation on it. This will hopefully restore its original performance and resolve the issue.

Otherwise, continue with other suggested solutions that may help you fix Error CE-30005-8.

4. Checking the Internal Hard Drive

Checking PS4 internal hard drive for error CE-30005-8

If Error CE-30005-8 is reporting against your PS4 internal drive, then this could be something more serious. Usually you shouldn’t worry much if you don’t hear any noise coming out from the hard drive. This might be some bad sectors that hinders the drive from functioning properly.

In fact, a corrupted/malfunctioning PS4 internal hard drive can cause so many major errors to the system to the extent that it can no longer function at all, including the “Cannot start the application CE-30005-8” error. This article contains an in-depth discussion of PS4 hard drive failure and how to fix it.

In brief, fixing the internal hard drive of PS4 is just the same way as fixing the external hard drive. Only you need a USB external HDD enclosure to connect the hard drive to a PC/MAC.

Now, whether you’ve got the PS4 hard drive fixed or not, think seriously about upgrading/replacing it with a solider and more reliable drive.

5. Clearing CMOS Memory Data

When the data stored in the PS4 CMOS memory chip get corrupted by any means (mostly due to power surge or instability), serious errors will occur within the PS4 system without any obvious reason.

Error CE-30005-8 can be just a result of a corrupted data issue in the CMOS chip. All what you need to do here is clear the PS4 CMOS memory by removing the CMOS battery then replacing it. This method has proven lots of efficiency in resolving many persisting serious errors in the PS4 system.

6. Check the PS4 Power Supply and Cable

If none worked for you, you need to check if the PS4 power cable is intact and not damaged. Additionally, check if the PS4 power supply is also working properly. This might require a savvy to do that. You can read here what a malfunctioning PS4 power supply can do to your system.

Restoring License

restoring PS4 license to fix Error CE-30005-8

If everything seems ok with the PS4 hardware, yet you still get the “Cannot start the application CE-30005-8” message, try to restore the PS4 license.

Your PS4 keeps track of the licenses for games you purchase digitally through the PlayStation Network. One of our valued readers has reported that restoring the license successfully fixed this issue for him.

This simple guide will show you how to find and restore your game licenses on PS4.

Restoring your licenses may take several seconds to minutes, depending on the number of licenses you have and your internet connection.

Delete Game Data

If you have done all suggested solutions and you still get Error CE-30005-8, you can try to delete and restore the game data on the hard disk drive. To do so, you must first back up the save data using either a USB storage device or online cloud service if you are a Playstation Plus member. Both options are located in the “Settings” menu, which is located to by pressing up from the home menu and then scrolling right. You should then select “Application Saved Data Management,” and, subsequently, “Saved Data in System Storage.”

Application Saved Data Management

Once that is done, go select the problematic game and then press the Options button in order to bring up the “Delete” option. Re-install the game data from the disc, which should automatically happen. Afterwards, restore your save data via the Playstation Plus online storage or USB device from the same “Application Saved Data Management” option of the “Settings” menu.

Rebuild PS4 Database

Sometimes rebuilding the PS4 database can resolve the CE-30005-8 issue and get the PS4 system back to proper functionality. It’s a very easy process to fulfill, but it may take a few hours though.

Rebuild PS4 Database

Process Steps

To successfully rebuild the PS4 database, please follow these steps:

Disable Mods

Some gamers confirmed that disabling recently added mods helped them fix Error CE-30005-8. While this solution might not work for all users, it is worth trying it out.


When you see the error message: Cannot Start the Application (CE-30005-8), it means there’s a hardware failure has occurred. If none of the above solutions work, you have to take your PS4 to a technician. He’s the only one who can discover why PS4 behaves that way.

Question & Answers

Why do I get Error CE-30005-8?

Error code (CE-30005-8) indicates that your game/app files are corrupted and can’t be launched.

How to fix PS4 Error CE-30005-8?

There are several methods to fix PS4 Error (CE-30005-8), but they are all about having an intact installation of the game without any corruption. You may need to download the game from PSN store, or just buy a new disc. The hard drive might be failing or the PS4 system itself might need a full and clean reinstallation.

Will buying a new hard drive fix Error (CE-30005-8)?

If you’re using a digital version of the game/app that causes this error, then it’s very likely the hard drive is malfunctioning. We always advice to try to repair it before thinking of buying a new one.


https://ru. androidhow. eu/%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BA/%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BA-%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8C-%D0%BE%D1%88%D0%B8%D0%B1%D0%BA%D1%83-ps4-ce-30005-8-%D0%BD%D0%B5-%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%81%D1%8F-%D0%B7%D0%B0/

https://www. partitionwizard. com/partitionmanager/ce-30005-8.html

https://www. ps4storage. com/cannot-start-the-application-ce-30005-8-fix/

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